Hem. (Clears throat self consciously). Feeling a bit silly for letting off like that - being a secretive Cancerian I like to be in tight control of things...memo to self, don't blog when having a hissy fit. Thank you so much - everyone - who took the time to post supportive comments and e-mail me privately - you have no idea how much it helped - I spend so much time on my own that it's easy to forget just how many people are out there. Prima donna moment over; we soldier on. I decided to put into action a couple of things I've been avoiding. The first being to invest in a new computer and go broadband. I hope to be speeded up next week and will be adding a studio web cam to this blog. Which brings me on to the next thing - moving rooms. I've been putting it off for months now, but recently I almost wrecked a job because I had barely enough room to paint. So we decided to Do Something. Because as it is now...

I can barely squeeze myself past all my resources....

...to jam myself into the few inches of space...

...and sit for long hours creating...

...with half my materials buried in boxes.
If it was just my little part time hobby I'd put up with it, and thank my lucky stars I had any space at all. But I do earn a modest income from it, and now I'm expanding into type and print, there is no way on this good Earth that I can work in there. So we are having a major upheaval and I will be in here instead...

(and from where I usually blog)
My big painting table will go in front of the window where I will get lots of lovely light, instead of the shadowy, sideways dinge I'm working in now. Most of my waking moments recently have been dedicated to working out how it's all going to be rearranged. To this end I've been scabbing lifts off my friends, trawling house clearance shops and have found a few sticks of cheap second hand furniture which are now clogging up the downstairs room. (Yes, we only have one). I am going, literally up the wall - because that is where the spare space is. Most of my books are piled everywhere, as tall shelves are so expensive. But I should be getting a six foot square bookcase soon, donated by a friend and languishing at present in bits, in an old barn. In the meantime we are going to have great fun manoeuvring everything around in a small awkward upper space. But when it's ready I can move my little 'type room' from the coffee table downstairs and get started.
Next stop world - domination!